"Vielight" featured in City News, Toronto. Click on image to view video showing the Vielight Transcranial Neuro Gamma being used on a patient with Alzheimers
"Healing the Brain with Light"
Broadcasted on TV on 12 January 2020
by Carte Blanche, South Africa.
Click on image to view video
"Research shines light on sports brain trauma (TBI)" - Prof. Larry Carr, Ph.D / Vielight. Click on image to view video
University of Utah: TBI Research
/ Lisa Tamati - endurance athlete uses Vielight Alpha and Gamma - February 2023. Click on image to view video
Dr. Dale Bredesen and Dr. Lew Lim discuss the benefits and science of photobiomodulation for brain health - 11 May 2023. Click on image to view video
"Better Brain Health with Photobiomodulation"
- interview with Dr Lew Lim"
(by Mike Mutzel). Click on image to view video
"How to do Ozone Insufflation"
(by Truly Heal, Australia). Click on image to view video
"Using Light Therapy to study COVID-19"
by City News, Toronto - 21 October 2020
Light therapy has been used in many different studies from Alzheimer’s disease to PTSD, but now one Toronto-based company is using it in a trial study for COVID-19. Click on image to view video
Institut fur EEG-Neurofeedback - IFEN
Thomas Feiner, a German pioneer in Neuromodulation, founder of the Institute for EEG-Neurofeedback demonstrates how pulsed near infra-red light changes EEG shown in LORETA brain imaging technology. The effects are clearly seen in Gamma frequency at 40 Hz. The intranasal emitting electrode stimulates the prefrontal lobes. Click on image to view video